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environment art



As part of the exercise in the environment art guild at BUas, I created this scene with Quixel Bridge assets. I tried to create a scene that would fit the FPS genre, taking inspiration from popular FPS games like Call of Duty. 


small camp in a forest

As a quick exercise in the environment art guild at BUas, we were given the task of creating a refuge in a forest. I took inspiration from Tomb Raider games to create my diorama. Since it was my first time participating in the workshop, I decided to keep it small-scale and focus on the quality of it rather than the impressiveness.


mystical stones

I had an interest in learning and improving my environment art skills further, so, I created small self-study projects to focus on composition and lighting. The main theme of the scenes was interesting and mystical rock formations and unique lighting situations that would help me improve my lighting skills.


environment JAM 2022

During my first year at BUas, I found out about the environment jam. I was very curious since it seemed easier and more feasible for me than game jams. I decided to unofficially follow the event and create something with free assets I could find on Epic Games and online.

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